Another Facebook Phishing Going On Again! (
Facebook changes their policies and attempts to block obvious malware, phishing ... 11.5 Phishers of Friends By 2009, phishing expeditions on social networking sites ... Some of the more memorable were, Koobface, and ... If you bit and logged in a second time without thinking about it, your Friends.... Phishing Attack Underway At Facebook! Don't sign in to! (via @TechCrunch) #fbaction. 12:22 PM.... This morning people began receiving messages in their Facebook inbox ... attempting to phish peoples information on the domain ... Go. XG Firewall. Next-Gen Firewall Intercept X. Next-Gen Endpoint ... Don't show me this again ... A new phish frontier: Phishing of domain registrar accounts.. My Gmail & Facebook accounts were hacked early this morning. ... And if last week is any indication, it's only going to get worse. ... users found themselves accidentally logging in to a website called ... shut down the fake website, the scam popped up again on a different site, After fighting off another phishing worm designed to steal people's usernames ... In Wednesday's attack, the address was "" ... Facebook also goes in and resets the passwords of member accounts that ... Also, members that are already logged in to Facebook will not be asked to log in again.. Forget The Pre, Palm's Got A Second Device Coming Out This Year. ... appeared to be a Facebook login, but was actually at a different URL, Phishing Attack Underway At Facebook. Don't Sign In To We've received multiple tips of a new phishing attack that has broken.... What looks like a message from a Facebook friend is an attempt to capture your username and password. Watch out for the sneaky Phishing Attack Underway At Facebook. Don't Sign In To (via @TechCrunch). 11:37 AM - 29 Apr 2009. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes.. ... that the Facebook URL mentioned something called ... But I'm sure some other random troublemaker will try precisely the same trick again soon. ... 4) If you do click, watch the URL you go to very, very carefully. ... For the first time, it's possible for companies other than Facebook to write.... Twitter and Google Trends have already lit up with terms related to the attack as well. A Facebook spokesperson said in an emailed statement, "We are aware of this phishing domain and have already begun to take action." For now, watch out for the domain.. (Click image to enlarge it). [ad#cricket-right-ez]. It looks like site (Don't go there) is a phishing site for people today. It looks like it would send out an.... A couple of hours ago I got an oddly terse message from a Facebook friend who ... that the "Facebook" URL mentioned something called ... But I'm sure some other random troublemaker will try precisely the same trick again soon. ... 4) If you do click, watch the URL you go to very, very carefully.. This afternoon, Facebook users began receiving emails appearing to be from ... Hello in the subject line and provides a link that redirects to ... Other Articles In This Section ... Unable to unlock gunman's iPhones, the FBI (once again) asks for Apple's help ... California's Privacy Law Goes Into Effect Today.. Doing so takes you to a site called that mimics the look of the ... tips of a new phishing attack that has broken out on Facebook .. Facebook successfully fights off phishing scams as it announces the selection of ... Why AMD Had Such an Impressive CES Showing Batch Goes Out the ... attack from a piece of malware yesterday, the second attack this week. ... two malicious links at the core of the attack, and In the attack, people are sent phoney email messages, appearing to come from Facebook, that try to send them to a malicious website,, which looks.... A new phishing attack is underway against Facebook users. TechCrunch details the attack, which begins with an email to your inbox that looks.... Because the same scams we've learned to watch out for in e-mail ... This is what happened last week, when scammers unleashed a new attack on Facebook, collecting ... themselves accidentally logging in to a website called ... "We're going to be attacked again in the future," says McGeehan,.... Phishing attacks continue to batter Facebook users. ... Facebook scammers are at it again. On Wednesday, users of the popular social networking site were attacked by yet another phishing virus attempting to harvest their e-mail addresses and ... April, two similar viruses, and, attacked Facebook.
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